Thursday, January 3, 2008

Yet more on McCain

This from John Hawkins regarding immigration. Here's the finale:

So, you want amnesty?

Vote for John McCain.

You want the fence, or as John McCain has publicly referred to it "the godd*mned fence" to be quietly mothballed and never be finished?

Vote for John McCain.

You want 12-20 million uneducated, non-English speaking manual workers who came into this country illegally and laughed in contempt at Americans and our laws to become citizens so that they can start collecting welfare, Social Security, and Medicare?

Vote for John McCain.

You want to be told in another 20 years that there are 20-30 more illegal aliens and that we have to make them citizens, too, because the last batch of 12-20 million illegal aliens can vote now and they're demanding that we do so?

Then vote for John McCain because what I've written above is ultimately, exactly what you will get.

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