Thursday, January 3, 2008

Romney out?

A former Huckabee team member is saying that there are a couple of big scandals regarding Romney:

Joe writes: “Mitt Romney will never be President — I won’t be surprised if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa Caucus. I will be surprised, however, if he’s still in the race when the South Carolina primary comes around. Even if the impending scandal that has been rumored for weeks doesn’t derail his campaign (I can’t say what it is but you should hear about it before Jan. 8), his inherent dishonesty will eventually do him in.”

We'll see. Romney has been very clean his whole life, but that may be why something could sink him. It would have to be pretty big, though, given how much effort and money he's put into his campaign so far. I am skeptical.

It would be too bad, though, because it would knock out my second-favorite guy in the race. Ugh.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will be devestated if he is knocked out. He is my favorite candidate!