Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain wins Florida - Pass the Hemlock

Ugh. I feel physically ill. The man who has made a career out of championing amnesty for illegals looks like he will be the Republican nominee. I don't see any way how I can vote for him in November. If he wins then, he will destroy the Republican party brand. I might even have to vote Democratic. If I didn't have to work tomorrow I'd start pounding whiskey.

I'm guess I just vote Mitt next week and hope for the best.

Oh no, now Florida Senator Mel Martinez (his amnesty buddy #1 in the Senate) is on Hannity and Colmes on FNC. I want to put a boot through my TV.

1 comment:

ahow628 said...

If you need me, I'll be throwing my vote away on a Libertarian candidate... again...