Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John McCain is a liar

Just flipped over to watch the debate tonight after an unremarkable movie (so unremarkable that I won't comment further). Seeing Ron Paul rant on about useless crap annoys me and adds NOTHING here.

We've also got Huckabee trying to help McCain. It's those two guys trying to gang up on and then run out the clock on Romney. Ugh.

Anyway, back to the title of this post. Romney said some perfectly reasonable stuff about the surge in Iraq in April 2007 (see under 9:01 in this link). McCain is completely lying about what Romney said then, saying Romney was for time tables for withdrawal. I'm not sure how anyone with any honesty can say that after reading it. McCain dropped this garbage in a commercial in Florida this weekend. Since nobody but dorks follows politics closely enough to know the truth, it no doubt had some effect.

So what does McCain say tonight? Let me paraphrase:

Back in April, Harry Reid was saying that we needed time tables for withdrawal, and that was the big buzzword back then. Romney was talking about time tables, while I was for the surge.

OK, I'm back. Now, this is extremely duplicitous. The time tables Romney was talking about were NOT AT ALL like those the Democrats were talking about. And while McCain was talking about this tonight, he had some shit-eating grin on his face the whole time, knowing he was lying.

Now he's spouting his usual talking points. It's nauseating. I spent a big chunk of my day today wondering what I would do if (or, more likely, when) he's the nominee. I was leaning toward sitting home. Now, I want to vote Democratic against him.

He's a patriot and a war hero, but he conducts politics like a lying, weasely piece of crap. I'd rather eat a bowl of broken glass than vote for him. Romney is a good, decent man who is debased having to get into the mud to defend himself from the Huckabee-McCain handicap match.

McCain gets worse and worse in these debates, and yet he continues to pile up cheap wins with under 40% of the vote. I have stopped being surprised by the way Republicans keep voting for him, but I hope voters are paying attention to this debate to see just how disgusting he is. Romney's fundamental decency that is coming through in this debate may be his saving grace on Tuesday.

UPDATE: A much stronger analysis by Paul Mirengoff at Powerline. Straight talk, my arse.

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