Saturday, January 5, 2008

New face of Bally Total Fitness

I've been seeing these new commercials for Bally's and was thinking that the girl talking in them was Marisol Nichols. Lo and behold, I was right. She was in both Vegas Vacation and 24. Here's a picture of her on the red carpet or whatnot:

Here is what is likely a promotional shot for 24:

Unfortunately, I can't find a link to the ad right now. After poking around the Bally website, however, I would like to point out that George Costanza's dream has come true, in that there actually is someone named Seven. The answer to the last question is unsatisfying:

Seven is an unusual name. What’s the origin?

SEVEN: My mom. I blame her…no, I'm just kidding. The number seven has many different meanings in many different cultures. It is considered a mystical number. To me, it has been truly a lucky number.

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