Thursday, January 3, 2008

More on McCain

Quin Hillyer at The American Spectator has an excellent piece recapping why conservatives dislike John McCain. His overall analysis at the end is spot-on, too:

In contrast to McCain and Huckabee, the three other "major" GOP candidates -- Giuliani, Romney, and Fred Thompson -- all actually governed very much as conservatives when they had the chance. And Thompson has a record of both talking and walking the solid conservative line that is almost entirely unblemished by any heresies against the most basic of conservative issue stances. (Long-shot Duncan Hunter, meanwhile, has a quarter-century record as a conservative leader on taxes, defense, and immigration.)

Iowans in their caucuses and New Hampsherites in their primary have the first chances to winnow the Republican field. They would be doing the whole country a great disservice if they winnow one or more of the real conservatives out of the race, while boosting the chances of the two candidates who have done the most to poke the eyes of the Reaganites.

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