Friday, January 4, 2008

Fox News is killing me

First, Mike Huckabee was on Fox and Friends getting his ass kissed. Rush Limbaugh has been hammering him lately for not being a conservative (and Rush is right), and Huckabee says he'd love to talk to Rush but can't get a hold of him. Yeah right! Rush would put him on his show for an hour if he wanted to be on, but he doesn't want to take the beating.

Now John McCain is getting the same treatment and flat-out lying about his record on taxes.

The worst part is the way the entire network craps all over Fred Thompson on a consistent basis. Right-wing network, indeed.

My theory is that anyone anyone who wants to crack down on illegal immigration gets hammered, and they kiss ass of any Republican who's for amnesty. It's been that way ever since they showed themselves to be for the Senate amnesty bill last summer. So if anyone out there thinks Fox is some bastion of conservatism, think again. It's just not as liberal as CNN or, God forbid, MSNBC. I anticipate more on this as the morning goes on.

UPDATE: Oh jeepers, now Jesse Jackson (ugh) is on. He just said that MLK was qualified to be Secretary of State. That's beyond silly.

UPDATE 2: Reporter Carl Cameron was just on to give some analysis from Iowa, and everything he said was basically wrong. I'll cut him some slack since he pulled an all-nighter, but he's still part of Fox's unrelenting negativity toward Romney and Thompson and ass-kissing of Huckabee and McCain.

UPDATE 3: As much as I complain, I still love the network because of all the hot chicks who work there. That says nothing about the new Fox Business Network.

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