Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday Republican debate recap

We had ANOTHER debate tonight. Here's a quick recap (once again, beware of my biases):

Romney was outstanding. It was just a 180 degree turnaround from last night. He was great at not letting criticism bother him, and his answers were almost perfect. I really can't emphasize enough how good he was. In addition, pollster Frank Luntz said people were going crazy over some of his answers, and he turned a who crapload of undecideds towards him. After tonight, the gap between him and Fred has shrunk a lot for me (no slight to Fred).

McCain wasn't nearly as nasty tonight, so that was a big improvement for him. However, he still had the same lame answers. That's about the best grade he's going to get from me, so take that for what it's worth.

Rudy was his usual self. He really has a solid grasp of the issues (other than immigration).

Fred was very good, as usual. However, on Fox News they just had Luntz ask a group of undecided Republican voters who the worst one was tonight, and about 80% said Fred. Yikes. As much as I like him, I'm starting to think it's just not going to happen for him. However, he's a Southerner and HW voters hate Southerners. (I know, I'm grasping for straws here; I have to go on his website and buy some Fred stuff before he drops out.) He's still got a good shot at winning SC, though, so we'll see.

Huckabee was lame again, but even worse than last night. He dodged questions and just talked in Obama-ish platitudes. That works in the Democratic side because Hillary and Edwards are such terrible candidates, but these other 4 guys here are just too strong for that junk to work. In the post-game show on Hannity and Colmes, hebrought his wife out with him. Hmmm, is she a human shield so they take it easy on him? Given his history, I'd say the answer is yes. And yes, I really don't like him.