Friday, January 18, 2008

I love this blog post

Michelle Malkin is mostly known as a fairly attractive, fairly young (about age 36) rhetorical right-wing bombthrower (though not at Coulter-esque levels). She loves to take on things that not many others do. One of the issues she's been on lately is a proposed housing bailout for people who can't afford their new mortgages.

Today she has a post on her blog reprinting some e-mails she's received from people who are cranky as heck about the government giving breaks to people who bought more house than they could afford because of their own stupidity/greed (which is everyone who did so). It's a thing of beauty for anyone who has tried to buy a home the right way. Here's a sample:

I’ve been following your coverage on the “housing crisis” and thought I’d add a quick thought. I was very tempted a couple years ago to use an ARM to buy a house for myself, especially after hearing the majority of my friends advocating how cheap it was. After doing some research, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to afford the potential rate increases. So, I am still in an apartment, waiting to save up some more for my future house. I’m trying to figure out why people that make just as much as I do will be able to keep houses they can’t afford, while I will get to stay in an apartment, for the simple reason that I did my due diligence. And I’m not even going to bring up the fact that it looks like my tax money will go to helping them out even more. Once again, responsible people are punished by the government.

The whole thing is worth reading. Will anyone in government or in the presidential race stand up to this tide? Besides that nut-job Ron Paul, I mean. How about you, Fred?

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