Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Short guys can buy clothes!

This whole article is so funny I won't even bother to excerpt much from it. It's about a store that sells clothes for, well, here's the good section:

But for short men -- Anders prefers the terms "men slightly below average," "normal sized" and "not overly tall" -- the unappealing options range from shopping in the children's department to spending hundreds of dollars on alterations to wearing oversized, baggy clothing.

The children's department? Really? I'm not even trying to be funny here.

A 5' 4" man is NOT normal sized, no matter how much these munchkins want to believe it. Not overly tall? How about not at all tall?

It's hard for me to feel much sympathy for these Lilliputians. Being a tall fella has its advantages (chicks dig it, for example), but try fitting on an airplane or buying a car. Oh, wait, that's pretty minor stuff compared to not being able to see anything and being laughed at. Ha!

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