Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hippie Week on The Biggest Loser

This environmentalist wacko episode is just HURTING for a takedown from me, but I'll take it easy so I don't waste three hours writing about it. It's all just so ridiculously stupid and just plain wrong. I digress, though, and I'll focus on Jillian's rant about organic food.

She claims that organic food is better for one's body than commercially-raised products due to the lack of hormones, pesticides, and whatnot. The question that this raises is why would pesticides be used in the first place? The reason is that pesticides kill germs that organic foods carry. I'd much rather avoid organics for that reason.

Also, she said it's better for the environment since all kinds of gas is not used to ship it long distances. Again, not so. It's quite economically- and fuel- efficient to ship any product in semi-truck trailers that I doubt it's better to have a farmer lug it from his farm in a pickup truck. Second, if pure efficiency is important to her, organic farming is overall much more wasteful. More land is needed for farming, and there is more spoilage and other loss due to the elimination of pesticides.

As I wrote earlier, the entire episode is ridiculous but the organic food topic was what prompted me to post. Being a good trainer does not mean you know anything about agriculture, Jillian.

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