Friday, November 16, 2007

Sam Adams Octoberfest now out of season?

I have noticed a disappearance of Sam Adams Octoberfest (my favorite beer of all time) from the shelves of my local Strack and Van Til. I know it has a limited season, but it's been completely replace by Sam Adams Winter Lager.

My hope this year, much like last, was to load up on a few cases before it left the shelves. The purpose would be to have it throughout the year for special drinking occasions. In waiting until the end of the season to get the freshest batch, I may have missed out.

Anyway, I need to spend some time over the next few days going to big liquor and grocery stores in search it. If anyone has seen 12-packs of it anywhere in Chicago within the last week or so, please let me know.

1 comment:

LaurenK said...

I recommend Sam's Wine & Liquors.

Or, strangely enough, there is this creepy looking liquor store on Western WAY DOWN by like Madison (on your left as you are going south) that used to have a big selection of beer. And in that neighborhood, I am guessing the Sam Adam's is not sold out. (The 40's of Colt 45, not so much.)