Wednesday, November 28, 2007

County Budget News

Holy smokes, things got interesting yesterday at the County Board meeting. Commissioner William Beavers said that, well, here are some of the key quotes:

Cook County Board President Todd Stroger can't get his budget passed "because he's black," his floor leader angrily charged Tuesday.

Commissioner William Beavers said "if Todd was a white man, he wouldn't have half these problems," further alleging "this is a remake of the Harold Washington days" at City Hall, where racially fueled votes often ended in 29-21 decisions.

"Who's gonna control the county -- white or black -- that's all this is," he said.

Beavers railed on that one of Stroger's top critics, Commissioner Tony Peraica, "hates everybody who's black ... all black elected officials," going on to say Peraica used to beat up black people growing up in the Bridgeport neighborhood.

This is the last desperate act of black liberals when they don't get what they want and white people are involved. They are used to pulling the race card to make conservatives cower, but it has become completely ridiculous and no longer has an effect on them. The saddest thing is that when they throw around accusations like this (when it's obvious race isn't a factor, ideology is), it makes it less and less likely that any white person is going to take a charge of actual racism seriously. That's something black liberals can blame on themselves.

Is Peraica against everything that the black commissioners propose? Likely he is, and I'm glad. It's not his fault the black commissioners (like Beavers and Stroger) are big tax-and-spenders, while Peraica is trying to stop them from continuing their rampage of fiscal irresponsibility. This makes the simple-minded (or extremely cynical and desperate, or maybe even paranoid and insane) Beavers think Peraica hates black people.

One last quote from Beavers (excuse the poor grammar):

Yet, prompted by a reporter's question, Beavers yelled not to forget that he's "the hog with the big nuts and I'm gonna tell you what it is."

Sure you are, William.

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