Friday, November 30, 2007

Gauntlet is thrown! Plus, more on Huckabee

Lauren wants to know what I'd like to see done on illiegal immigration. That will take a while (I'll make it my manifesto on the issue), so I'll try to have something up this weekend for any interested parties. I'll throw a little something about legal immigration in, too.

Meanwhile, Numbers USA came out yesterday hammering Mike Huckabee for his stance on the issue, calling his record as governor of Arkansas "an absolute disaster" (I agree). If you are too lazy to read the article, just know that he's basically got the same stance as the President, meaning he's pro-amnesty.

With that and his history of supporting big spending, he really would be another version of our current president, except he'd be a pansy on foreign policy (while I consider the president's work on that issue his strongest). That's why he's the guy I support the least out of the big five, and I am really hoping he won't get the nomination. I don't think he will, thankfully.

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