Thursday, November 8, 2007

Random crap

A few random thoughts to replace actual cogent posts:

  • So there were about 3 things I thought of last night to post about, but then I forgot about them. That's mainly a function of my level of busyness (wait, that's not a word) at work right now.
  • I am through with pretty much every new TV show I was going to watch this year (only Heroes remains). The Bionic Woman was the last to go. I just don't have the time or energy to get involved.
  • Jay Cutler was on South Park last night. I mean, not his actual voice, but Stan and Kyle made sport of him at a party. Stan told him (paraphrasing) that he kind of sucked but his dad said he might be good someday. That pretty much sums it up.
  • College basketball has been pretty silly lately. Kentucky losing to Gardner-Webb last night was the latest (and best!) example so far. FU UK!
  • Speaking of, LU's first game is Saturday. I am eagerly awaiting it.
  • The Biggest Loser is losing me. It's starting to turn into the typical reality show that I hate. I may not make it past this season, with all of the backstabbing and whatnot. I have no interest in seeing unpleasant people be jerks to each other.
  • If the writers strike in Hollywood continues for much longer, there will be no 24 this year.

Final thought: Tomorrow (Friday) we are having a work happy hour at Villian's, which is at 649 S. Clark. I recommend anyone in the area to come. We should have a big crowd, and drink specials are pretty good. And from what I hear, they could use the business.

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