Friday, July 18, 2008

Funny blog

Here's something I just found: R.O.C.K. on the CTA.

I'll let the proprietor describe it herself:

A somewhat snarky, sometimes cranky, borderline stalker-y view of the world from my seat on the bus. No offense meant to anyone.. all of these stories are just made up. I really know nothing about you. And I care even less. I love watching the urbanites as they do their daily dance along the train tracks and bus routes...They make me happy. And sleepy.

She takes pictures of random people on the CTA and makes up stories about them.

UPDATE: An intrepid commenter pointed out that the author is a dude. Reading his comments I wouldn't have guessed that. Oh well.

1 comment:

LaurenK said...

Um, that's a dude. David Rockwell.