Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where's the John Edwards news?

The National Enquirer said last fall that John Edwards fathered a love child with a woman who isn't his wife. They reported this week that they caught him exiting the woman's hotel room in the wee hours of the morning. Haven't heard about all this?

Jack Shafer wonders why, especially compared to what Larry Craig and his wide stance went through. (He even throws out Jesse Jackson and his bastard child.) He thinks this:

Or are they observing a double standard that says homo-hypocrisy is indefensible but that hetero-hypocrisy deserves an automatic bye?

Or could it be that Craig is a Republican and Edwards and Jackson are Democrats? Methinks that's the much more obvious explanation.

As an aside, it's easy to laugh at this and say that the Enquirer is just a bunch of fake news. If so, why doesn't Edwards sue the crap out of them rather than just try to ignore it and change the subject when asked about it? He IS a trial lawyer, and a very successful one at that.

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