Monday, July 28, 2008

Video of the day

This is going to be the best video you see all day. Trust me. I can't describe it any better than has been done by Ufford at With Leather, so I'll quote him in full:

This elaborate unveiling of soccer uniforms (fine, fine: kits) comes to us from Bayern Munich, aka Bayern München, aka The Adventures of Bayern Munchausen. And I don't want to spoil anything, but if you hate soccer and Germans -- and most Americans do -- this isn't going to improve your view of either.

I just don't know how team officials arrived at this monstrosity. "We need to show off the new kits." "How about a fashion show?" "That's a terrible idea." "How about a fashion show... with choreography!?" "NOW you're talking!"

Even the presence of beautiful models in the video can't save it.

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