Monday, July 7, 2008

McCain's running mate

Here's an e-mail to KJL at The Corner on why McCain should pick Bill Bennett as the Republican VP nominee.

Lots of good reasons are given, and I think he'd make one the top few choices possible. (I think disaffected social conservatives would flock to McCain if Bennett was with him.) I'd like to see Mitt Romney picked, but then I have a bit of an irrational politi-crush on him. Voters just don't really like him very much, which is a hindrance. I do wonder if he would be a better VP candidate than presidential candidate, though, as he would be able to focus on his core strengths that McCain would want him for, such as economic experience.

On the other hand, Amnesty John isn't getting my vote anyway, and I'd hate to see Romney's political career destroyed by having to back McCain's immigration plans.

On a final note, I think Obama's VP pick is going to be a much more interesting decision, as he's kind of blank slate to many people beyond the "hope/change" stuff.

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