Friday, July 11, 2008

Britain is falling apart

This is what happens when leftism and political correctness runs amok in a country, as Jaime Sneider writes. Britain released a terrorist from prison and not only lets him walk the streets (he's technically under house arrest, but he's pictured walking around his neighborhood), but pays him $100,000 a year in welfare for his supposed bad back:

Al Qaeda foot-soldiers behead our soldiers while we pay their leaders disability. Qatada is living in a home worth $1.6 million. He's receiving government benefits totaling $100,000. This goes well beyond not deporting him. There really are no words.

1 comment:

ahow628 said...

$1.6 million home in London? I would bet it is about 600 sq ft and you can cook dinner while sitting on the toilet. Housing is out of control there.