Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Underrated Semi-Famous Attractive Woman - Sara Rue

Here's a new semi-regular feature that looks at some mildly well-known women who I find attractive, even though no one ever talks about them. They will tend to be ones that I just kind of noticed were good-looking. The first one is Sara Rue.

I had forgotten all about her until my now-repeated viewings of Idiocracy, in which she plays the Attorney General in the year 2505 with aplomb. Also, her character's name is Funbags. This is essentially what she looked like during filming (I can't find any pictures of her from the movie). Here's one of only two pictures from the movie on the net, but you can barely see her in the background:

She also has apparently lost a bunch of weight. She still looks fantastic, even in her much skinnier state.

I will admit, though, that the first time I saw her was in this lame WB show. Oh well, she and Selma Blair made it tolerable in the days before TiVo.

Let's end my mini-tribute to Sara Rue with her glamour shot from IMDB.

Next USFAW: one of a Hollywood sister duo...

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