Monday, December 3, 2007

Weekend laziness?

Some might say I was lazy this weekend for doing no studying nor writing about my would-be immigration plan. Those who were with me will know better, however.

Friday I hit up Durkin's for lots of boozing. I got the number of a gal who is 6'2". (Awesome.) The flaw is that now means I am talking to/dating 7 women right now. I am far too lazy for that kind of stuff, so starting this week I'm going to start lopping them off Biggest Loser-style.

Saturday I bummed around my place for a bit until I met Roy, Murphey, and the Neyer family at Brownstone for about 25 minutes (more on that in a bit). After having only been there that long, Brownstone is now on my crap list of bars. They were advertising a special of a $4 stadium cup of Bud Light. I was thinking it would be a huge cup o' beer, but it was only about 20 oz. OK, I thought to myself, I can roll with this. The cup was a plastic black model sporting a Texas Longhorn logo and the Brownstone logo on one side, while there was a collage of logos of the other bars owned by the same company on the other. I drop my $5 on the table and leave, and ask Neyer to bring the cup to me the next morning (more on that later, too). I find out later that day via text message that the bar then charged an EXTRA DOLLAR for the cup. It's not even very good! Fine, Brownstone, you want to play like that? You have made an enemy.

Next I was on my way downtown to meet a gal at a coffee shop. This wouldn't have been bad except that (1) the Red Line train I was on had tons of problems and was moving VERY SLOWLY and (2) we were meeting by the lake, where I was tromping through an ice storm with 30 mph winds. I spent so much effort trying to stay vertical and not fall that I didn't notice until I took my coat off at the coffee shop that my coat, gloves, and hair were covered in a thin sheet of ice. No joke. Anyway, it was a nice time and after talking for a few hours I took a cab home rather than subject myself to the elements again.

I was about to settle in to a DVD night like the dork I am, but not more than 15 minutes after getting home I get a call from Michelle inviting me to head over to eat chili and booze. I did so. That was a busy day.

Sunday morning, Liverpool played at 9 AM. I may be the only person in the city who subscribes to Setanta Sports at home, and I was set to stay home and watch the game except that Neyer had my cup from that crappy bar (I promised him that if he brought it the next morning I'd show up at Ginger's to watch the game). To think it was all because I didn't want to lug it to my date the prior day. Anyway, I weaseled my way to Ginger's. By the time the game was over at 11, Corey and Bryan also showed up, and we hoofed it to Finley Dunne's to watch football and drink some beer. That place is five times the bar that Brownstone is, by the way, mainly for not trying to bone their customers. We finally left at around 2:30, and I got the Sean Phelan special on my way home at TBH: a king pork burrito and an order of steak nachos.

Needless to say, I don't feel so hot today after this weekend.

This is a roundabout way of saying that for anyone who cares, my immigration post is going to have to wait until I have time to put it together. In addition, blogging is going to be light around here this week, as I am very busy with work, after-work activities (including the Wisconsin double header for LU), and studying for my FAP 1 exam next Wednesday. It's just a warning to not expect too much out of me until late next week.

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