Friday, December 21, 2007

Movie Review - Apocalypto

So I watched Apocalypto last night. It's Mel Gibson's first movie after The Passion of the Christ. I liked The Passion, but if you didn't you will likely still like Apocalypto, as I thought it was excellent.

It had a great story and very good action. It's about the Mayans taking over villages and what they did with the captives, except here one of them escapes. A great manhunt ensues, and it becomes about vengeance and rescue.

Anyway, here is my favorite part of the movie BY FAR. It's a spooky little girl the Mayans find as they are transporting their captives to the Mayan city:

Oracle Girl: [the Prophecy] You fear me? So you should. All you who are vile. Would you like to know how you will die? The sacred time is near. Beware the blackness of day. Beware the man who brings the jaguar. Behold him reborn from mud and earth. For the one he takes you to will cancel the sky, and scratch out the earth. Scratch you out. And end your world. He's with us now. Day will be like night. And the man jaguar will lead you to your end.

You have to see the movie to get the context, but it was a freakin' awesome scene and it ends up being amazing prescient. Don't worry, I haven't given anything away. The whole movie gets two big thumbs up from me.

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