Thursday, December 13, 2007

What has the American Left become?

Why, they can't handle people who get an apartment paid for by the government working 20 hours a week.

Here's the proposal. Note that the board member who is proposing this lives in public housing herself:

Adult public housing residents would eventually be required to work at least 20 hours a week or face eviction, under an unprecedented sweeping policy the Chicago Housing Authority is poised to approve.

"I feel all these things are in place for the betterment of the residents," said Mary Wiggins, a member of the CHA board and its Tenant Services Committee.

Wiggins, also a public housing resident, continued: "If there's no good reason for them [residents] not to work, they shouldn't be there."

Not too tough, huh, since these people apparently don't even have to work right now to live basically for free? If you think so, you haven't been following politics very closely over the past, say, 40 YEARS:

Housing advocates have described the eviction threat as "draconian"

"There is a real specter of homelessness," said Bill Wilen, director of housing litigation for the Chicago-based Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law. "Traditional public housing is thought of as the housing of last resort for people who can't make it in mixed housing. . .There needs to be housing for families that can't live elsewhere."

This Wilen fella is off his rocker, basically. If someone would rather be homeless than work 20 hours per week (that's less than 3 days!), then that's fine with me. Some of these people have been leeching off of the productive taxpayers for years.

Also, if people can't live anywhere but the projects, what does that say about them? Don't they have any personal responsibility? They aren't children, but the left (and to a lesser extent liberals and the Democratic party) seem to think they practically are.

Wiggins lives in the projects, and she sees first-hand how destructive the free ride is on people's spirit. Do you think Wilen knows anything about that? I'm going to guess that he lives in a very fancy neighborhood that isn't anywhere close to a housing project. Maybe he should talk to my sister, who lived near one for a few years. Her condo garage was constantly being broken into and things were being stolen and vandalized by these a-holes. But hey, the status quo is just fine, right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was awesome! 20 hours a week is too much...hahaha...what a joke.