Saturday, December 15, 2007

Go, Fred, go!

So I've made clear my preference for Fred Thompson as my number 1 guy in the presidential race. I'm half drunk this morning, and I started thinking about how National Review endorsed Mitt Romney. That really made me think again about the whole race because I really respect the NR crew, but I still like Fred the best. Here's what they said about Fred:

Fred Thompson is as conservative as Romney, and has distinguished himself with serious proposals on Social Security, immigration, and defense. But Thompson has never run any large enterprise — and he has not run his campaign well, either. Conservatives were excited this spring to hear that he might enter the race, but have been disappointed by the reality. He has been fading in crucial early states. He has not yet passed the threshold test of establishing for voters that he truly wants to be president.

However, there were a bunch of articles about how Fred was the best in the debate the other day, and how he may be hitting his stride right now. That, of course, makes me almost blow a load. Here's my list of favorites now:



Everybody else in the Republican race

My point is that Mitt would satisfy me, but Fred gives me a man-crush. He's a small government guy first and foremost, which is my thing (as anyone who reads this blog regularly knows).

Why am I writing this now? I got up half-drunk this morning wanting to watch Die Hard 2 just to see Fred Thompson kicking ass. Since I only have it on tape, I of course can't figure out my VCR since I use about once every 3 years. Damn! ESPN News will have to suffice.

Who else blogs about politics when they are drunk? Oh yeah, Mike Huckabee is still the worst one in the Republican field; I'd even prefer Ron Paul.

1 comment:

Mich said...

I never thought that you would ever admit to having a man-crush. I am just chalking it up to your drunken state.