Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No 11% sales tax, but...

...apparently there are no limits to Cook County Board President Stroger's imagination when it comes to new taxes. Here are some alternatives now that his 2% sales tax hike was shot down:

Property taxes would be hiked to pay for the Forest Preserve District. To pay for county government, Stroger is considering doubling the county gas tax to 12 cents a gallon, doubling the downtown parking tax to about $40 for monthly users and possibly renewing a push for an increased sales tax, just weeks after commissioners shot down a 2 percentage point hike.

Awesome. And what's this money going for?

There are likely to be hundreds more employees added to the county payroll to meet public safety needs. "It looks like we're off our diet," Commissioner Tim Schneider said.

No kidding! Anyway, how's that hospital system going (you know, the one that gives away drugs to anyone who shows up)?

Adding a wrinkle to the budget debate is a critical presentation today from the health community concluding that the county hospital system has been so mismanaged, control should be put in the hands of an independent, medical panel.

Good luck with that.


Unknown said...

I want free drugs!

LaurenK said...

Makes me SO glad I no longer live there!!!

I was pretty pissed the other day when I had to pay $3.49 for gas in downtown Chicago when it is only $2.56 across the street from me here in Norfolk.