Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Biggest Loser poll

I don't care what you three people who say TBL is a girlie show think. I love it. Run fatty! Do those one-armed pushups, Jillian! Continue to make your team hate you, Kim! Keep on being the gayest straight dude around, Bob!

Plus, poker with cookies would rock.

UPDATE: Uh oh, there was just a promo for our fair hostess' show, Days of Our Lives. My confidence in the neutrality of the show is shaken. There ain't no Days commercials during Heroes.

UPDATE 2: Oh snap! Because Amy is so lazy, we may at last see what we've all been waiting for. That's right, Kim and Jillian in a fight to the death. Preferably in mud or jello.

UPDATE 3: Kim must be laughing her ass off now at Amy!

UPDATE 4: I'm not a fan of Allison's hair at the weigh-in. She's too naturally pretty to waste time with that elaborately curly hairstyle. Keep it straight, baby.

UPDATE 5: We have the first ever villian on the show. Congrats, Neil. Hopefully someone punches you in the baby maker next episode.

1 comment:

LaurenK said...

I thought Sean "like Connery" Everett was the gayest straight man...