Wednesday, October 17, 2007

CTA cuts would affect some people!

Big news, right? Actually, it's just common sense. I guess not for intrepid Sun-Times reporters Annie Sweeney and Norman Parish, though, who apparently spent some time looking for another big sob story:

About 400 Steinmetz High School kids use the bus on Narragansett -- not even a block away -- to quickly get to and from the Northwest Side school every day.

But under the proposed CTA "doomsday" cuts on Nov. 4, they would have to scatter to new bus routes for longer commutes -- some crossing through gang turfs.

I am sympathetic to these kids who have to deal with gangs, as they are just trying to get to school. However, it's not the CTA's job to keep them safe from gangs. It's the city's job.

The real issue is that through years of misrule in the city, there are crappy neighborhoods infested with gangs in Chicago. That's not the CTA's fault (nor, arguably, the state of Illinois', who are being asked to bail out the CTA with a big infusion of cash). Are we to keep a whole bus line, with the attendant expensive unionized workforce keeping it running, for a few high school kids? It would be much easier and cost effective for the city to provide regular school buses for these kids.

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