Friday, October 19, 2007

10/19 updates on fiscal government stories

Yes, I know the record is broken and the dead horse has been beaten. If you want to skip these posts, go ahead. I think it's important to follow this stuff.

Not much today from the county except an announcement of public hearings on President Stroger's big plans for his tax grab. Feel free to show up and pester him with questions. I may take an afternoon off to do just that.

As for the city, the alternate "sources of revenue" are beginning to come out. Something about billboard fees for now. The last sentence is a real laugher, though, regarding staffing in the city government:

Johnson was unfamiliar with the water certification issue but promised to look into it. He also disclosed that 1,372 vacant positions created by the May hiring freeze that exempted police and fire could be eliminated from the budget, saving $9 million.

"Everything is on the table -- even that one. But people do have to understand that cutting vacancies is going to be limiting service. We're sort of cut to the bone already," Johnson said.

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