Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Immigration news of the day

Via Drudge, the first story is the usual sob story from farmers who want to continue to break the law by having an endless supply of cheap (and just about slave) labor because they don't want to live in our normal labor market. I've been hearing these stories for months, but this one is only here because northern California has a later harvest season that other areas. Anyone else notice huge produce shortages and vastly more expensive vegetables? Me either.

The best line is the last one:

Grocery chains Zanotto's and Whole Foods said they have yet to see increased prices for produce because of farm labor shortages.

How's that for journalistic balance? A throwaway line from someone, anyone, challenging these ridiculous claims from the agricultural lobby. The open-borders crowd couldn't have done better is they wrote a press release and paid to have it in a newspaper.

Moving on, former Mexican President Vicente Fox, who liked the idea of exporting all of Mexico's poor people here so he didn't have to deal with his country's corrupt political system and terrible economy, has a new book out. What's he got to say today? That we didn't pass amnesty for the 20-30 million illegals here because of the racists who were against it! He even brings up the specter of (you guessed it), the Nazis:

"The xenophobics, the racists, those who feel they are a superior race ... they are deciding the future of this nation," he said, without naming names, in an interview with The Associated Press.

That's odd, because a majority of the country was against it. Is the US a racist country? Apparently so, even though he's implying that we are racist against Hispanics, which we have huge numbers of, and many of whose cultural traditions this country has adopted (Taco Bell, anyone?).

The open-borders folks who accuse opponents of racism are trying to shut down debate, and that's all. They know they can't win on the facts, and they know most people are against them, so they attempt to shame people into supporting their side. Luckily, that just doesn't fly any more (as the grievance twins of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are beginning to find out), which is why that line of "reason" didn't work this time.

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