Saturday, October 27, 2007

Bar report - The Tap Room

After my date last night, it was only 1 AM. On my way home, I went to The Tap Room, located on Western at about 2250 North. It has an adjacent liquor store, just to give you an idea of its level of class.

Anyway, I'd always wanted to go there. Upon entering, every seat was full save for a few up front. Draft Miller Lites were $1.50, which is NICE. The crowd was entirely Mexican except for me.

Let me tell you about a Mexican bar: it's the only place I've ever been where an obese girl was the most popular one in the place. I mean, she had to be 3 bills, easy. At one time she had 4 guys talking to her (either that or they were orbiting her). It was quite the scene.

Anyway, the crowd sucked but it was very cheap and fairly close to my house.


ahow628 said...

Lauren and I went there on our infamous Logan Square Pub Crawl when we got off the El at the Western stop and hit Green Eyes, Tap Room, Quenchers, Mutiny, and Bob Inn. I think we may have gone to Huckleberry's and I had to put my pocketknife in my backpack and check it at the door because they were patting people down because of gang violence. Awesome...

LaurenK said...

I was just going to write something similar to Ahow, but he covered it. We were there on a Friday, early evening. There were actually a few non-Mexicans, but the music was something that sounded like Mexican clown music. And we did hit up Huckleberry's. It was awesome.