Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I found my guy...

...in the primaries. On the heels of today's endorsement from the spokeman of the We-Want-To-See-Your-Hot-Wife-For-Four-Years caucus (Fubar), I can say that after months of waffling Fred Thompson is my guy. Why?

It's all because he's the only major candidate (apologies to Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo) who is willing to do something about illegal immigration. Add in that he's primarily a small-government guy, and I'm willing to finally say that I've found my candidate.

That said, I'd still vote with some enthusiasm for Rudy or Romney in the general election. For McCain and Huckabee I'd probably show up and vote for them, but with little interest. Luckily, they are currently 4th and 5th in the race and don't have a lot money.

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