Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good for thee, but not for me

I know I've been current-events-heavy lately, but there's a lot going on. Today it's a relatively minor thing that reveals a lot of the mind-set of politicians, especially liberal ones.

Apparently, members of the Senate and their aides have for years been able to book tickets for multiple flights while only paying for the one they use. Based on provisions in the so-called ethics bill that passed earlier this year, they will now be unable to do so. As a result, the Senate passed (on a voice vote, no less) an exemption.

Most simply, this is a perfect example of the way Congress passes laws that everyone must live under but themselves. They just can't be bothered to either keep a schedule (God forbid) or change their flight plans and pay for it like us poor slugs they lord over. Lest you think this is just about perks for Congressmen, there are loads of other regulations that they have exempted themsleves from. These include (and I'm not kidding, they really are exempt) the Civil Rights Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act.

One of the things some members of the Republican caucus tried to do in the 1990's was to pass laws forcing Congress to have to live under the same regulations the rest of us do. Not surprisingly, they failed miserably. An unholy coalition of liberals who wouldn't dare subject themselves to their own creations and fat and happy Congressman without a strong ideological bearing killed it easily.

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