Friday, May 2, 2008

You knew this was coming

Since illegal aliens who want citizenship, despite breaking numerous laws such as crossing the border without authorization and Social Security fraud, like to march for it on the biggest communist "holiday" of them all, let's check in on yesterday's events.

Apparently turnout was way down. I guess illegals are too stupid to realize that there actually won't be ICE agents there loading them into busses and shipping them back to Mexico or wherever they came from:

Some said participation likely was lower because many immigrants increasingly fear deportation.

Margot Veranes, a volunteer organizer in Tucson, Ariz., - where 12,000 took to the streets last year but early estimates Thursday put the crowd at about 500 - blamed the turnout on aggressive enforcement by Border Patrol and police.

This line from the AP's story struck me as funny:

"We're marching to end the raids and the deportations, but we're also marching for health care and education and good jobs," she said.

So people with no right to even be in this country are marching for health care and education (meaning, of course, stuff paid for by you and me), along with "good jobs"? How is an uneducated peasant from a third world country going to hold down a "good job"?

Then there is this, from a kid who probably hasn't mastered the fundamentals of his courses just yet, but has an EXCUSED ABSENCE from school:

Seventh-grader Vicente Campos of Milwaukee was granted an excused absence from school to attend the march. He said he was concerned by stories of immigration officials separating parents and children.

That last line is the newest refrain we hear from the illegals and their left-wing advocates in general, that we are "'separating families" by enforcing our laws. How, you ask? Well, the parents are illegal but the kids are American due to their parents using them as anchor babies. So the parents get shipped back to their home country. Of course, there is nothing stopping them from taking their kids with them, so in fact the parents are voluntarily separating themselves from their kids. Should we stop enforcing our other criminal laws that send parents to prison because it "separates familes"?

My own experience on the day came when I looked out the window of my office and saw some kids walking around. Two of them were draped in Mexican flags and one in a US flag.

Three points. First, if they want to convince Americans to come to their point of view on the topic, wearing a MEXICAN flag is not going to do it. All it shows is that they have dual (or singular, as I tend to think) loyalties and they do NOT consider themselves American first.

Second, these kind of protests, especially on (Commie) May Day, are quite common in the third world countires of Latin America. They are not common here, and we generally just get pissed off when a group of people goes around demanding a bunch of free stuff, including citizenship.

Finally, I was immediately struck by the disrespect of our flag by the little bastard who was using it as a cape. He may as well have set it on fire (hopefully he'd still be wearing it). Here is the relevent part of the US Flag Code:

§176. Respect for flag

No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor...

(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery...

(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.

But hey, it's not like a little shit like him, unmoored in our traditions and respect for this country, would know that. After all, his parents probably just snuck across the border for a better job!

1 comment:

LaurenK said...

Love the rant. I hate those protests. Seriously. We should be the ones protesting supporting their illegal asses.