Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Election coverage

As anyone who regularly reads this space knows, I am no fan of John McCain. He's not a conservative (no matter how much he fooled people in the primaries), and he would be destructive to the Republican brand if he won the presidency. His stands on illegal immigration and global warming show this clearly enough.

I also don't like Barack Obama, as you might guess. He's playing the usual game that the Democratic nominee has to every four years of pretending he's not as liberal as he really is. If he came out and said what he really thought about issues (and the media highlighted his past votes the way they scrutinize Republicans), he'd be lucky to get 40% of the vote in November. The liberal media is thus complicit in this deceit. Obama had the most liberal 2007 voting record in the Senate, which says a lot when you have the likes of Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy populating the chamber. New kind of politics and bringing people together? He couldn't even vote to confirm the superbly qualified John Roberts as Supreme Court Chief Justice. He's a left-winger who has come up through the twin pillars of corruption that are the black urban political system and the Chicago Democratic machine. On foreign policy he would be a disaster for our country on the scale of Jimmy Carter.

Given that, you might then conclude that I would hold my nose and vote for McCain. Not so, at least not at this point. Given McCain's history, he has to earn my vote. Being not-Obama isn't good enough.

This is all a long-winded way of saying that although I have basically stayed away from commenting on the Democratic candidates, that's now going to change. There will be tons of anti-Obama stuff coming, but for you Obama fans, don't despair! McCain will no doubt continue to annoy me to levels a Republican presidential candidate shouldn't, so while there may not be equal time, it won't be because I am trying to tear down Obama and prop up McCain. I want to tear them both down.

Besides, my vote won't matter anyway. Jesus Christ himself could be resurrected and run as the Republican nominee, and Obama would still win Illinois.

1 comment:

LaurenK said...

And my vote in Indiana won't count either.