Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama's team on the general election

The Telegraph of London has an article about how Obama's senior advisors are (behind closed doors) predicting a November blowout of McCain.

There is a LOT in here that I'd like to comment on, but it would take a big chunk of time for me to do so. I want to read it another time or two before I do (if I ever do, as I know I have a history of promising follow-ups that never, um, follow up).

It's not that I think their premise is wrong, that Obama will win handily. I just think there are a lot of things working for and against both candidates, and we are still 5 and 1/2 months away. It's far too early to be making predictions like this, and Team Obama better not get too cocky too early. For an example of that, think about how 5 and 1/2 months ago the nominees were supposed to be Hillary and Giuliani. Hillary in particular never put together the ground game in the caucus states, and that basically lost her the nomination.

Like I say, I'll attempt to have more later.

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