Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Help! Some of you are enterprising...

I consider myself to be pretty good at tracking things down on the interwebs through Google due to my tremendous gift for knowing the right phrase to use. However, my weakest area, by far, is shopping online.

For example, I'd like to have some headphones that I can plug into the elliptical machine at the gym so I can hear the Simpsons episode I'm watching. However, I'm too tall to use regular headphones because the cord isn't long enough. I'd love to phone some regular, lightweight headphones with an extra long cord, and I'd think they exist somewhere. I just can't find them. Can anyone help? Any ideas on where to look, either online or brick-and-mortar? Please post suggestions in the comments.

Also, I'm note sure what happened to the format of this blog, but for some reason it's become harder to read due to no space between the main text and both the headline and the signature line. Does anyone know how to make it go back to having a space? I could (I suppose) just put in extra return lines at the top and bottom of each post, but that's kind of ghetto.


ahow628 said...

Get the Sony MDR-EX71SL/WK headphones. They are white (which kind of sucks) but they have a short cord (about 18") and an extention (an additional 3', so they are nice and long.

They might come in black if you poke around Amazon.


ahow628 said...

Also, the formatting of your blog looks fine in Firefox. It may just be some weirdness with your browser.

Unknown said...

Why not get wireless headphones?
