Monday, February 4, 2008

Lots of disappointment around here

First, Mercury Morris and crew now will go to their graves knowing they were the only modern NFL history to go undefeated. That makes me cranky.

Second, barring some Mitt-mentum (which may or may not be occurring), John McCain will be the Republican nominee after tomorrow's primaries. Any regular reader of this space knows what I think of him.

However, let's also celebrate some of the good things in life. For example, I went to an excellent Super Bowl party last night. The food was great and we had just enough beer to satisfy the crowd.

Additionally, while I had to shovel 4 inches of snow this morning, due to the warm temperature I was able to do so relatively easily.

Finally, I have been watching my DVD set of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia lately. It provides me with a great sense of humor that most other shows can't.

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