Monday, February 25, 2008

Moment Of Truth

So I'm watching this here Moment Of Truth show on the television. They sucked me in with my desire for an hour of mindless entertainment and the teaser of it being an episode they hadn't showed before due to its sensitive nature. Apparently they ruin a marriage or something. We'll see.

I only bring this up because anyone who would go on this show for the money is an idiot. Take me: I have lived a pretty clean life with very few skeletons in my closet, as they say. I'm pretty certain they'd find some dirt on me, though, and there is no way I'd want to go through with it. Some people are just attention whores, I guess.

These questions are getting harder and worse as this continues, and the host has actually warned her to stop the game to save herself (because he knows what questions are coming). She won't do it, though.

UPDATE: She eventually got the 15th or so question actually wrong (Do you think you are a good person? She answered yes, when I guess she really thinks not), so she lost out on all the money anyway. She was willing to go the distance, though. I think I agree with her that she's not a good person, and I'm glad I'm not married to her.

1 comment:

c_reuter said...

I'm sure she's glad you aren't married to her too.