Monday, February 4, 2008

After tomorrow

I presume that John McCain will have almost wrapped up the Republican nomination after tomorrow (not that I won't still be pushing for Mitt Romney while he's viable). Clearly, efforts by me and other like-minded folks to stop that will not have been effective.

With that in mind, this space's seemingly single-minded focus against McCain will wane. I'll still follow him closely, but there will be no point in hammering on him daily. I've probably turned off enough people that schtick.

What will strike my fancy? Well, college basketball is going strong, so I will write more about it. In addition, baseball is starting soon. Let's not forget the never-ending supply of Netflix DVD's.

The point is that if you get some enjoyment from reading the political stuff here, there will still be some of it. It just won't be so focused on the national presidential race (overall, though, posting will be lighter since we'll likely be out of the Republican presidential primary silly season). For those of you who don't care, on the other hand, you should enjoy this space more (there will be LOTS more movie reviews). Unless you also don't care about my lame opinions on movies and sports, that is.

Meanwhile, enjoy this picture of Rose McGowan from Planet Terror, which I watched this weekend. It was a pretty solid movie with lots of cartoonish violence of zombies dying. Yes, she actually had a chunk of her leg eaten off (I'm not giving away much plot here) and replaced by an automatic weapon:

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