Tuesday, March 18, 2008

People are dumb

Since I spend most of my life around people who are rational and intelligent (or at least more so than most), I can sometimes forget just how stupid and rude much of the populace is.

Some girl who works for a pizza place answering the phones is reminded every day, however, and gives some suggestions to those people. The rest of us get to read it and be appalled.

Here's number 2, for example, and look how she immediately knows that people like me are not going to believe how dumb some people are (before she says I would do it too):

2. KNOW YOUR ADDRESS! Don't giggle, you overpaid salaried- MBA reading this during your lunch-hour. YOU are the IDIOT that calls and says "We just moved. It's by the store on the corner." Really? Thank goodness there is only one store on a corner in all of Washington State. For a moment, I thought I might actually have to look on a map to see where you live or verifiy the northeastern part of this town or the west side of the next city. Oh, and when I politely mention that I need an exact address, don't huff and act like I'M the one making things difficult. Find a piece of mail. Look on your lease or morgage papers. Go outside. You DO have an address, contrary to the nameless customer who insisted "they" took his address away (but he's got other problems).

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