Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Daily Show on Code Pink

Dean Barnett over at the Weekly Standard Blog posted a video of the Daily Show's segment on Code Pink and the Berkeley Marine recruiting center. It's done by Rob Riggle, who is that big dude who used to be on SNL and now is in the Budweiser commercials. He's also a Marine, which makes parts of the video even funnier. (I've heard that Marines like to say that there are no "former" Marines, so I'll mention that it seems he is no longer on active duty.)

My favorite part is his question at 3:23 in.


ahow628 said...

Rob was also Captain Jack from the Booze Cruise episode of the office. Awesome...

LaurenK said...

Code Pink is so stupid it nearly makes my head explode.

The part when he goes "Wouldn't it be great if there was a group that swore to protect freedom of speech?" and the girl was like "Yeah, that would be great." F-ing idiots!