Friday, August 24, 2007

Hey Kos, lower those expectations

According to a poll by Democracy Corps:

Americans believe by a majority of 57% to 29% that government makes it harder for people to get ahead in life. The same poll found that 83% of people believe that, if the government had more money, it would probably waste it, the highest level of anti-government sentiment in a decade. America is not entering into a new era of liberal activism.

Daily Kos (the biggest political blog, and a very liberal one) is a big believer in a coming Democratic majority. This majority will happen, he basically says, by Democrats getting back to their liberal roots.

The 2008 elections are going to be VERY interesting, both for Congress and President, for three reasons:

1. President Bush isn't running for anything, and won't even be around come January 21, 2009.
2. Voters will have had a chance to see Democrats in action in this last Congress.
3. If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, we will have a nice little test of how long the electorate's collective memory is. Does America want 4 more years of the Clintons in the White House? I have my guesses, but I don't know.

I'll post on the state of the Democratic Presidential race in the next week.

(Hat tip to the Indispensible Jim Geraghty.)

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