Monday, August 4, 2008

Too bad, so sad

The illegal alien news just keeps on coming today. The New York Times has an article about how some hospitals are deporting illegals who require costly care. The government won't pay for care, so if they don't get forced home, the hospitals have to just eat the cost, which would raise everyone else's costs. Of course, the government paying for it just leads to higher taxes for those of us who actually pay them, so Americans get screwed either way.

Being a Times news story, it features the most heart-wrenching story possible, and one that never mentions the various crimes committed by the illegal alien (Social Sceurity fraud and violation of immigration laws, along with probably tax evasion and others). What a surprise. Luckily, most people can fight through that garbage and see how this is a good thing. It's unfortunate for illegals with no insurance who get hurt, but then if they followed our immigration laws they could probably have jobs with insurance. I don't feel much pity for them, given that they've been leeching off our country for so long.

So yes, hospitals have to do the job of our federal government. Nice, right Obama and McCain?

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