Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Retards don't like Tropic Thunder

Some retarded folks are complaining about the new movie Tropic Thunder. I guess they don't like the use of the word "RETARD":

"When I heard about it, I felt really hurt inside,'' said Special Olympics global messenger Dustin Plunkett. ''I cannot believe a writer could write something like that. It's not the way that we want to be portrayed. We have feelings. We don't like the word 'retard.' ''

Tony Paulauski, executive director of Arc of Illinois, a public policy and advocacy organization for those with developmental disabilities and their families, is calling for a boycott of the film, which opens today.

"The use of the 'R' word in the media, in movies, in comedy sketches is no different than the use of the 'N' word. It needs to end," he said.

Dustin Plunkett is a baby, OK? You "cannot believe a writer could write something like that"? When was the last time you were on an elementary school playground?

Tony Paulauski (you know what they say about Pollocks, right?) says retard = a very bad word for black people (even though they use it ALL THE TIME, but that's another topic). And here I thought it was dumb when feminists compared their "fight for equality" or whatever to what blacks went through here. Even worse was when gays did it. Then fat people started to do it. Now retarded people? Where does it end?


ahow628 said...

Are you calling Hulk Hogan retarded?

Oh wait, that was Thunder in Paradise...

65 Toss Power Trap said...

Good...who wants to go to a movie and sit with a bunch of retards?