Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More immigration news

The border fence is going up in El Paso:

The US Department of Homeland Security is racing to meet a December 31 deadline to raise 670 miles of steel fences and vehicle barriers along the 3,200 kilometer (2,000 mile) long southern border. About half has been completed, including this six kilometer (four mile) segment at New Mexico's Santa Teresa Port of Entry.

That's good. Of course, the mainstream media has their usual theme, ignoring the identity theft committed by these people who steal Social Security numbers in a "peaceful" manner:

The overwhelming majority of the half-million people believed to cross the border ilegally each year are peaceful, mostly Mexicans seeking low-wage jobs. About 12 percent of those caught in the El Paso sector in 2007, Hernandez said, have a criminal background or were previously deported from the United States.

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